Do you want more value from your website analytics?

Avoid cookie banners and access +100% more and better data about your visitors

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Reach new performance standards

Make your visitors happy and grow your business. By anonymizing all data before it is sent to different analytics platforms or into the cloud, our solution ensures that sensitive user information remains protected. Visitors will experience and value less load on their devices and faster page load.

Bridging the gap between data collection and user privacy

  • Avoid and remove cookie consent banners so visitors will experience faster page loads
  • Get more & better data
  • Learn more about your visitors
  • Send data directly to your own destinations for better CX
  • Grow revenue
  • Continue using preferred platform of choice (Google Analytics 4, LinkedIn Analytics, TikTok Analytics, and Facebook Analytics)
  • Stay compliant with GDPR
Illustration showing more data without cookies
Illustration showing more data without cookies

No more cookies - a lot more data

We give you significantly more data to grow your business and to build awesome customer experience.

Ready to add value to your data and boost your business?